Should there be rules for
One person has to be the moderator of the game.
I consider the moderator to be the teacher (Kitano
from the movie).
Because this is an online game that involves rolling
dice to determine successful attack, I feel that the moderator should be in charge of all the die rolling in the game. This
will prevent cheating and suspicion throughout the game.
The Moderator will also conduct the danger zones.
Danger Zones will be annouced by the moderator and posted
on the website for everyone to see. The danger zone will become active on the date announced and any students that occupy
the danger zone when it becomes active will be eliminated.
The moderator posts on the website: Ok, Hex H3
will become a danger zone on October 30th. If you occupy that hex on or after October 30th... you will die.
I am trying to be more realistic to the film. Students
are still allowed to pass through dangerzones to get to "good" hexes. But you are no longer allowed to spend time on danger
Before the game is started,
each player must submit a Name to represent their Character/Student. These names will be listed as the
enlisted students for Battle Royale Online. Along with a name, players should choose a colored dot from the color chart below
the battlemap. The color dot that represents your student will be placed on the map (starting in the school/compound).
Each student also starts the game with 10 life points that represent the student's health. As the student is successfully
attacked he/she will lose life points and ultimately will die when health
reaches zero. (when you die... you lose) The only way to gain life points in the game is to successfully kill another
student. This is referred to as: "The Food/Ration Bonus" More details Below.
When there are enough players to start the game, the weapons will
be distributed randomly (like the movie). Each weapon will be listed on the row with the student that is carrying it.
There will be a chart on the main page of this website with all the information for each student. Each weapon may have
strengths and weaknesses, and some are not all that special at all (just like the movie). To play the game, you must strategically
outlast/outlive your classmates and survive with your weapon. Students can ONLY carry one weapon at a time, but can exchange
their weapon with one that is with a dead student. Students that form alliances can also exhange weapons if desired (but only
if both students occupy the same hex space) If allies exchange weapons, the moderator has to receive a message indicating
the exhange from BOTH students after the attack phase and before the movement phase. If a student successfully kills another
student they immediately have the first opportunity to exchange weapons with the corpse before anyone else has a chance to
do so.
You DO have the freedom to drop your weapon at any time.
Previous players have choosen to drop their weapon in previous games so that they can use hand to hand combats high movement
base. If you drop your weapon it will be indicated in the stray weapon location chart above the battlemap. These stray
weapons can be claimed like if they were on a corpse.
The weapon carried by the student determines the statistics of
the student.
Each weapon determines your:
Attack damage: Amount of damage inflicted
on an opponent with successful attack with weapon at hand.
Successful attack die roll: When an
attack is initiated, a six-sided die is rolled and if it matches the numbers for successful attack then damage is dealt. ALL
attacks are done simultaneously (i.e. Student A shoots Student B while Student B is Stabbing Student A with a knife...) All
damage is done simultaneously to keep this game from being overcomplex. (use your imagination)
Movement base: Number of hexes you can move
at the beginning of the round. (heavier weapons will slow you down, lighter weapons let you move more spaces)
Also, the main page will display an overhead map of the island.
The island will be broken up into a Hexagon Grid formation for the battlefield. Each hex can be referenced by horizontal and
vertical numbers for easy reference when players choose which hex to move to.
ok... soooo... yeah... how do we play?
There are Two phases to Battle Royale Online.
-Movement Phase
-Attack Phase
The first phase of the game is the Movement
Phase. Each student chooses which hex they want to move to on the island based on how many hexes their
weapon allows them to move. Each student then private messages that move to the moderator (via IMDB private message).
Or the student can forgo to keep the movment private and announce the movement on the messageboard for all to see. When all
students have reported their moves to the moderator, the moderator will update the map.
this brings us to...
The Attack Phase.
The attack phase begins when the map has been reset.
Any students that occupy the same hex together will be given the opportunity to attack each other (one attack per student).
Students that are alone on a hex do not have the opportunity to attack. Students also may choose not to attack if you dont
want to. As said before, all damage is dealt simultanously. No matter how early you report that you want to attack (on the
IMDB messageboard) everyone's damage for the round is dealt at the same time.
If I have to resort to creative writing to explain some
battle scenarios, I will. example: "With all the energy in him, Kiriyama thrust forward with the knife and dealt
3 points of damage to Oki. Slightly stunned, Oki glared at Kiriyama and fired a round from the pistol at point blank into
Kiriyama's chest. Kiriyama fell to the ground like a lifeless stone and struggled to breathe as death overcame him..."
When the attack phase is complete...
Students can swap weapons from a corpse
that occupies the same hex that they are on. To keep things simple, Students can only carry ONE weapon each. I know
that this is unrealistic, but it will keep the flow of the game easy. As of 9-30-2005 there
are some new defense items added to the weapon roster. These items can be used with your current weapon you carry. (The
defense items are the helmet and the vest.)
IMPORTANT NOTE!! : If more than one student attempts
to swap weapons with the same corpse after the attack phase, the successor to the corpse's weapon will be determined by "high
die" roll. (Ex: Students A, B, and C attempt to swap weapons with a corpse that has a Grenade. Moderator rolls the die
and rolls 3 for student A, 2 for student B and 5 for student C. Student C successfully swaps weapons with the corpse and Students
A and B have to retain their original weapons. REMEMBER: A student that successfully kills another student automatically
has the opportunity to swap weapons with the student he/she killed, before anyone else has the opportunity to do so.
Also, If a student is killed, The killer automatically
takes the slain student's food/rations. The food will heal the student for 3 life points. If the
Slain student was attacked by two students on the attack phase and died from the multiple attacks then each of the two killers
receive 2 life points. If three or more students attack one student and kill him/her on the attack phase, none of
them are eligable for the food bonus (there would not be enough food to go around). This rule rewards
students that choose to be cold-blooded solo-killers. This will also reward the students that kill off characters that are
just standing around doing nothing. Students can only have a maximum life point total of 10 and food CANNOT be
saved for later. Food cannot be given to another student. It is yours... take it or leave it.
Please note that if two students manage to kill each
other (combat damage is dealt simultaenously) The food bonus does not apply to a student that is dead. This is realistic,
so just be careful.
When weapon swapping is complete eligable students can
now declare stalking rights..
Students that occupy the same hex can declare stalking
rights for the next round.
What is stalking? you ask...
Well, just like the movie, you can choose to follow
them for the next round (stalking). You can stalk them and attack them on the next hex they decide to move to. There is a
catch however, you can only successfully stalk someone if your move base is greater than or equal to their move base. Lets
say you just battled with the student with the machine gun and you have the sickle. The machine gun student can
only move 2 hexes on the next round and you (with the sickle) can move a maximum of 4 hexes. You can successfully follow/stalk
the machinegun student to the hex they decide to move to on the next round. On the other side of the coin, the machine
gun student can NOT stalk the sickle student because the sickle student can move more hexes than the machinegun student. The
student with the sickle has the advantage of movement, while the machinegun student has the advantage of damage inflicted
by the weapon.
NOTE: This just came up as an issue in round 4... If you choose to stalk someone but they end up swapping weapons before they
move and their movement base becomes greater than yours you will be placed on the the closest (non-dangerzone) hex to them
within your movement base. Basically they outran you... and it rarely happens. You can rest assured that you will not
land in a danger zone... but you might land on a hex that enemies may be hanging out on.
On Round 1 EVERYONE starts at the school/compound. (Indicated
on the Map with the letter "S")
As the moderator/teacher, I will do my best to conduct
this game on a thread via and all of the active players can use this website to refer to the stats of the characters
and their placement on the map.
It simply goes like this:
-People sign up for the game
-Weapons and stats are distributed
-Phase 1 is announced on the IMDB thread
-Students submit their movements to the moderator before
-Map is updated and announced on IMDB
-Students are given the choice to attack
-Stalking priveledges are announced and weapons are
exchanged with corpses (if necessary) Food Bonus applies here if a student is killed.
-Phase 2 is announced
-Students submit their movements to the moderator before
repeat process untill only one student is alive and
everone else is slain.