Weapon: Corkscrew
Damage: 2
For successful hit: Roll 1,2,3,or 4.
Movement Base (# of Hexes): 6
Description: The Corkscrew is a pretty mean weapon. If you successfully hit someone with the
corkscrew it becomes embedded in the victim and you automatically swap weapons with that person after the attack phase is
over. (even if the person is not dead) The victim becomes so overwhelmed with the pain that they can't hold on to their
current weapon.
this weapon may be hidden on the island
Weapon: Bicycle + (any weapon)
Damage: none
For successful hit: none
Movement Base (# of Hexes): +4
Description: The bicyle adds to your current primary weapons Movement Base. It allow you to travel
quicker. It does not do any damage and it's in pretty good shape for an abandoned bike. Color: Blue
Weapon: Laptop Computer +(any Weapon)
Damage: none
For successful hit: none
Movement Base (# of Hexes): Depends on Primary Weapon
Description: The Laptop computer allows you to disable all of the danger zones for two consecutive
movement phases. Once the laptop has been used... the battery will die and it is useless. You can only use it once.
This action can only be declared on the Attack phase (and yes... you can attack with your primary weapon as well)
Weapon: Cleats + (any weapon)
Damage: 2
For successful hit: Depends on your Primary Weapon
Movement Base (# of Hexes): Depends on your Primary Weapon
Description: These are you standard issue sports Cleats. Commonly used in outdoor sports like Football,
Baseball, and American Football. They can be worn and used with any weapon in Battle Royale Online (including Hand to
Hand combat) If you successfully hit with your primary weapon, you automatically do an additional 2 damage with the
cleats. (swift kick shall we say)
Weapon: Flesh Eating Virus (qty 2) REVISED! PLEASE READ!
Damage: 2 per phase for 3 consecutive attack phases
For successful hit: roll 3,4, 5 or 6
Movement Base (# of Hexes): 5
Description: A very unusual weapon in battle royale online. The Flesh eating virus is a chemically
engineered virus that can be spread airborne beween humans within approximately a 15 foot radius. This virus is sealed in
a glass lab tube with a cork top. When the Flesh eating virus is released/thrown in a hex, all students within the hex
are infected (except the student that unleashed the virus) The only way to stop the effects of the flesh eating virus
is to wash yourself with seawater. The Salt in the water kills the virus on contact. If you are infected with the virus and
you move to any of the shoreline hexes on the island you are immediately cured from bathing in Seawater.
The Shoreline Hexes include: (A2 C2 D1 F1 H1 I2 L3 M4 L5 M6 L7 K8 L9 I8 G8 D7C6 B5 A4 B3)
Weapon: GPS Unit
Damage: 1
For successful hit: Roll 1,2,3,4, or 5.
Movement Base (# of Hexes): Unlimited
Description: The GPS unit grant the student unlimited movement capabilities. Because the student can track
the other students and manuver around the island with ease, the student is able to move anywhere on the island at the
beginning of a round. Because the rugged, military-issue, GPS unit is equivelent to a brick, it can be used to do 1
point of blunt force damage during an attack.
Weapon: Chinese Army Training Pellet Gun
Damage: 1
For successful hit: roll 2,3,4,5,or 6
Movement Base (# of Hexes): 5
This was a common weapon for younger trainees in the Chinese military. It does not do a lot of damage,
but comes with a unlimited supply of pellets. This pistol is lightweight and grants a decent movement base.
Weapon: Maltov-cocktail ( x 4 )
Damage: 4
For successful hit: Roll 1,2,3,4 or 5.
Movement Base (# of Hexes): 4
Description: The student that receives the Maltov-Cocktail weapon in their backpack only has 4 cocktails
to use (i.e. this weapon can only be used for 4 rounds) After all four cocktails have been used, the student is then
considered unarmed and must seek out an abandonded weapon.
Weapon: Brass Knuckles
Damage: 3
For successful hit: Roll 1,2,3, 4 or 5.
Movement Base (# of Hexes): 5
Description: The Brass Knuckles are very lightweight and easy to use. This is a basic weapon that any student
can use successfully.
Weapon: Leather Whip
Damage: 2
For successful hit: Roll 1,2,3,4 or 5.
Movement Base (# of Hexes): 5
Description: The Leather Whip is a basic weapon similar to the brass knuckles. It is lightweight and versatile
but does not do a significant amount of damage. The Leather whip can be used for a chokehold. If the student holding the whip
rolls a 4 when attacking another student, the victim suffers the standard 2 damage and is held in a chokehold until the next
round, both students remain in the same hex and attack each other again on the next round. (This special ability also
can hold the student holding the GPS unit)
Weapon: Type 99 Japanese Grenade ( x2 )
Damage: 7
For successful hit: Roll 3,4,5 or 6.
Movement Base (# of Hexes): 4
Description: The Type 99 Grenade can inflict the most damage in Battle Royale Online. The student that first
receives the grenade weapon only has two grenades. Once, both of these grenades are used, the student is unarmed. The grenade
is the only weapon in BRO that can inflict damage on more than one opponent (if there are multiple opponents within the same
hex space). Example: if there are two enemies in the same hex as the student with the grenade weapon. The student must roll
an attack roll for each enemy to see if damage is done to both of them from the single grenade thrown. (this can effect an
unlimited amount of enemies that occupy the same hex during that round)

Weapon: Baseball Bat
Damage: 3
For successful hit: Roll a 3,4, 5 or 6 (roll 6 and you hit opponent twice)
Movement Base (# of Hexes): 4
Description: The Baseball bat is a close-range weapon. It is offers a decent move base and ok damage abilities.
The Baseball bat has a 1 in 6 chance to stun the opponent for a second quick hit. If you roll a 6, you successfully hit the
opponent twice for a total of 6 points of damage.
Weapon: Crowbar
Damage: Depends on Die Roll
For successful hit: roll 1, 2, 3 4, or 5.
Movement Base (# of Hexes): 5
Description: The crowbar is a particularly gruesome weapon. It's damage capabilities depend on what
the sucessful die roll is. If you roll a 1, then 1 point of damage is dealt (probably inflicted by the blunt end of the
crowbar) If you roll a 2 then 2 points of damage is dealt. Roll 3 Deal 3. Roll 4 deal 4. Roll 5 deal 5. If you roll
a 6, then you miss completely.
Weapon: Short Mace
Damage: 5
For successful hit: roll 3, 4, 5 or 6
Movement Base (# of Hexes): 2
Description: The Short Mace measures appx 16" long from end to end. It weighs a hefty 17 pounds and
can cause quite a bit of damage with a direct hit. Because of it's weight, this weapon can slow a person down when carried.
Not a very good stalking weapon, but it is very efficient in direct combat.
Weapon: Meat Cleaver
Damage: 5
For successful hit: roll 3, 4, 5 or 6 (roll a 1 and the person holding the meat cleaver cuts
themself by accident for 2 points of damage)
Movement Base (# of Hexes): 3
Description: The Meat Cleaver has seen it's share of carnage. Designed specifically to carve meat and
bone, this hulking blade can do it's share of damage. It is very awkward to weild and there is a great chance for accidents
with this weapon. Great care should be issued when using this weapon.
Weapon: Impact Baton
Damage: 4
For successful hit: roll 3, 4, 5 or 6
Movement Base (# of Hexes): 4
Description: This is a small telescoping baton, usually 6-8" when closed, extending to 20-25"
at the flip of a switch. It is very easy to carry and grants the student above-average mobility. The baton is the only weapon
that cannot be destroyed by the Handaxe.
Weapon: Chainsaw
Damage: 6
For successful hit: Roll 1,2, 3, or 4.
Movement Base (# of Hexes): 2
Description: This weapon is one of the heavier ones in Battle Royale Online. Its success
ratio is 60% because it is a loud weapon and cannot be used stealfully. This is a "limbcutter" chainsaw. It is a small chainsaw
that is usually used to cut branches off trees. This is not a full-sized chainsaw. This weapon can also destroy an opponent's
weapon if a 6 is rolled (no damage is done to the opponent however)
Weapon: Blowgun w/ 5 poison darts
Damage: 4
For successful hit: Roll 1,2,3,4 or 5.
Movement Base (# of Hexes): 4
Description: The blowgun is a unique primative weapon. There are 5 poison darts and they can only
be used once. If a student is damaged by the blowgun on an attack phase, the wounded student is slowed by the poison and can
only move one hex on the following movement phase (no matter what weapon they are carrying.) This is a great stalker
weapon, but you only have 5 darts so use them wisely.
Weapon: Two Bottles of Acid
Damage: 8
For successful hit: Roll 1,2,3,or 4.
Movement Base (# of Hexes): 5
Description: The acid bottle is a very painful & gory weapon. The student that receives this weapon
at the beginning of the round receives two separate bottles. The can only be used once each. When both bottles have been used
the student is forced to use Hand to Hand combat until they claim a new weapon from a corpse.
Weapon: Nail Gun
Damage: 4
For successful hit: Roll 1,2,3,4 or 5.
Movement Base (# of Hexes): 3
Description: This is a heavy, industrial strength, nail gun. The gun is powered by a CO2 canister
and can endure hours of use. The nails can be shot quickly. If you attack with the nail gun and roll a 2 or
3 then the opponent suffers 2 additional points of damage for a total of 6.
Weapon: Mp3 Player
Damage: 1
For successful hit: Roll 1,2,3,4 or 5.
Movement Base (# of Hexes): 6
Description: OlympusŪ m:robe™ 100 MP3 Player Style
and sound. Let your senses groove. Move to the music, wherever it takes you. Rock toover 1,200 songs.
Import music files from your PC.Create custom playlists. Or sing along with the Lyricsfeature. It's all within reach with
the cool m:robe 100.Let your senses groove. 5 gigabyes of music storage. Though the MP3 player is vitually useless in
combat situations, it offers the highest move base of any weapon in the game (aside from the GPS unit) The mp3 player
is the lightest item available.
Weapon: Skateboard
Damage: 3
For successful hit: Roll 2,3,4 or 5.
Movement Base (# of Hexes): 5
Description: The skateboard would have a greater movebase if the island's roadways were free
of debris. This weapon causes blunt damage. There are no special attacks for this weapon.
Weapon: KA-BAR knife
Damage: 4
For successful hit: Roll 1,2,3,or 4.
Movement Base (# of Hexes): 6
Description: The K-Bar knife is the standard-issue knife for the US Marines. It is lightweight and
very deadly. It is also a very quick weapon for attacks. If the student rolls an attack roll of 4 the knife is used twice
for a total of 8 damage.
(this may be hidden on the island)
Weapon: Bullet Proof Vest + (Any weapon)
Damage: Depends on the weapon you have
For successful hit: Roll ?
Movement Base (# of Hexes): -1 to your current movement base
Description: The bullet proof vest is one of only two items in the game that you can carry with your
current weapon. This vest was abandoned on the island by a previous round of Battle Royale. This vest reduces
damage from most firearms to your chest or stomach to 0. It will not protect you from other weapons or damage to your
head or legs.
(helmet may be hidden on the island)
Weapon: Army Helmet + (Any weapon)
Damage: Depends on the weapon you have
For successful hit: Roll ?
Movement Base (# of Hexes): -1 to your current movement base
Description: The army helmet is one of only two items in the game that you can carry with your
current weapon. This item will prevent damage to your head from most firearms (it will reduce the damage to 0).
It will not protect any other part of your body from firearms. Some weapons with special ammo can penetrate the helmet...
so be careful.
Weapon: Machete
Damage: 4
For successful hit: Roll 2,3,4,5 or 6
Movement Base (# of Hexes): 5
Description: The Machete is a common wilderness survival blade. It is long and deadly and can
be used quite easily in close combat. It comes with a handy holster to keep it strapped to your side for easy traveling.
Weapon: Nunchaku
Damage: 2
For successful hit: Roll 1,2, or 3
Movement Base (# of Hexes): 5
Description: An expirienced martial artist could make the nunchaku more dangerous, but a inexpirienced schoolkid
cannot. This weapon is ineffective and difficult to use. The nunchaku are easy to carry and offer a small improvement
from hand to hand combat for damage.
Weapon: Colt .357 Revolver
Damage: depends on die roll
For successful hit: Roll 3, 4, 5 or 6
Movement Base (# of Hexes): 5
Description: The colt revolver is and easy to use firearm. It has been a standard issue weapon for Battle
Royale since the first Battle. This weapon has become a fan-favorite by spectators of the game.
Damage will depend on where the victim is struck by the bullet.
Roll 1 = miss
Roll 2= miss
Roll 3 = Leg wound for 4 damage
Roll 4 = Stomach wound for 5 damage
Roll 5 = Chest wound for 4 damage
Roll 6 = Head wound for 8 damage
The military only left 5 bullets in this pistol
for the game.
Weapon: Jericho 941PS Pistol
Damage: depends on die roll
For successful hit: Roll 3,4, 5, or 6
Movement Base (# of Hexes): 5
Description: This Israeli pistol is used by the IDF (Israeli Defence Force) and by regular Israeli
cops. The version in game is the Police Special version, which comes with a built-in compensator to reduce recoil. Caliber:
9mm Parabellum
Roll 1 = miss
Roll 2= miss
Roll 3 = Leg wound for 2 damage
Roll 4 = Stomach wound for 4 damage
Roll 5 = Chest wound for 3 damage
Roll 6 = Head wound for 7 damage
This weapon's ammo clip normally can hold 16 bullets.
The military only left 6 bullets in this pistol for
the game.
Weapon: Jackknife
Damage: 3
For successful hit: Roll 2,3,4, 5 or 6
Movement Base (# of Hexes): 5
Description: Yes... this is the infamous Ball-Stabber Jackknife. This was the same one used
by Takako Chigusa. The military enjoyed watching this kill so much that they continue to use this same knife for every
Battle Royale round. It has become an artifact of history for Battle Royale supporters across the globe.
Weapon: Pickaxe
Damage: 4
For successful hit: Roll 3,4, 5 or 6 (roll 6 and the pickaxe does double damage.)
Movement Base (# of Hexes): 4
Description: The pickaxe is a rather odd weapon. But if it used swiftly and with precision, it can
do some serious damage. If you roll a 6 the pickaxe will do a total of 8 points of damage. The pickaxe also is
very odd to carry and renders an average movement base.
Weapon: M1 Garand Bayonet
Damage: 4
For successful hit: Roll 2,3,4, 5 or 6
Movement Base (# of Hexes): 5
Description: The M1 Garand Bayonet was a common footsoldier weapon through WW2 and the Korean war.
The bayonet is very sturdy and can also be thrown. If you choose to throw this weapon, a successful hit will equal 6
points of damage, but you MUST remain on the same hex for the next movement phase if you want to retreive the knife. If
you choose not to retreive the knife, it becomes lost from the game and you must seek a new weapon.
Weapon: Glock
17 Pistol
Damage: Depends on Die Roll
For successful hit: Roll 3, 4, 5, or 6
Movement Base (# of Hexes): 5 Description: An
Austrian 9mm calibur pistol that used to be standard issue to Police Departments in the United States. It is commonly
carried by arms dealers worldwide.
Roll 1 = miss
Roll 2= miss & roll two more times to attack the same student
(even if they are dead)
Roll 3 = Leg wound for 2 damage
Roll 4 = Stomach wound for 4 damage
Roll 5 = Chest wound for 3 damage
Roll 6 = Head wound for 7 damage
The ammo clip for this weapon can hold 17 bullets.
The military only left 10 bullets in this pistol for the game
Weapon: Tokarev TT Pistol
Damage: Depends on Die Roll
For successful hit: Roll 3, 4, 5, or 6
Movement Base (# of Hexes): 5 Description:
This Russian pistol was designed to replace the old Nagant revolvers and various foreign pistols in the Red Army in the 1920s.
The 7.63mm Mauser round was one of the most powerful handgun loads at the time, so that’s what the Russians chambered
the Tokarev for.
Caliber: 7.62x25mm TT (7.63mm Mauser)
Roll 1 = miss
Roll 2= miss
Roll 3 = Leg wound for 3 damage
Roll 4 = Stomach wound for 6 damage
Roll 5 = Chest wound for 4 damage
Roll 6 = Head wound for 9 damage
The ammo clip for this weapon can hold 8 bullets.
The military only left 5 bullets in this pistol for the game
Weapon: Circluar Saw Blade
Damage: 4
For successful hit: Roll 1,2,3,or 4
Movement Base (# of Hexes): 4
Description: Used traditionally in standard wood-cutting circular saws. These blades also make a handy weapon
in the field. Can be thrown (though not very accurately) and have a very sharp carbide-coated bladed edge. Can
be easily found and purchased at your local hardware store.
Weapon: Kusarigama
Damage: 5
For successful hit: roll 2,3,4, or 5
Movement Base (# of Hexes): 5
Description: Commonly used in martial arts. This weapon is very difficult to master and can
be very deadly for the owner to use. This weapon looks like a long talon-blade on the end of a wooden baton. If
the owner of this weapon attacks and rolls a 1 or 6 they do 1 damage to themself.
Weapon: M61 Fragmentation Grenade X3
Damage: 6
For successful hit: Roll 1,2,3, or 4.
Movement Base (# of Hexes): 3
Description: The "Frag" grenade is quite destructive. When detonated, the grenade will propel fragments
in all directions that will inflict damage. The student that first receives the grenade weapon only has three grenades.
Once these grenades are used, the student is unarmed. The grenade is a in BRO that can inflict damage on more than one opponent
(if there are multiple opponents within the same hex space). Example: if there are two enemies in the same hex as the student
with the grenade weapon. The student must roll an attack roll for each enemy to see if damage is done to both of them from
the single grenade thrown. (this can effect an unlimited amount of enemies that occupy the same hex during that round)
Weapon: Beretta 92FS Pistol
Damage: Depends on Die Roll
For successful hit: Roll 3, 4, 5, or 6
Movement Base (# of Hexes): 5 Description: An
Austrian 9mm calibur pistol that used to be standard issue to Police Departments in the United States. It is commonly
carried by arms dealers worldwide.
Roll 1 = miss
Roll 2= miss
Roll 3 = Leg wound for 2 damage
Roll 4 = Stomach wound for 4 damage
Roll 5 = Chest wound for 3 damage
Roll 6 = Head wound for 7 damage
The ammo clip for this weapon can hold 15 bullets.
The military only left 5 bullets in this pistol for the game
Weapon: IMI Desert Eagle
Damage: Depends on Die Roll
For successful hit: Roll 3, 4, 5, or 6
Movement Base (# of Hexes): 5 Description: A heavy pistol capable
of dealing a lot of damage with its .50AE rounds.
Roll 1 = miss
Roll 2= miss
Roll 3 = Leg wound for 5 damage
Roll 4 = Stomach wound for 7 damage
Roll 5 = Chest wound for 6 damage
Roll 6 = Head wound for 8 damage
The ammo clip for this weapon can hold 7 bullets.
The military only left 4 bullets in this pistol for the game
Weapon: Walther P99
Damage: Depends on Die Roll
For successful hit: Roll 3, 4, 5, or 6
Movement Base (# of Hexes): 3 Description: The Walther P99 is a
polymer-frame recoil operated, locked breech gun that uses a modified Browning style locking via extraction port in the slide.
Because of its built-in compensator, felt recoil is low compared to other 9mm or .40S&W handguns. With the exception of
the chambering, this is the pistol given to Mitsuru Numai in the manga version of Battle Royale
Roll 1 = miss
Roll 2= miss
Roll 3 = miss
Roll 4 = Stomach or leg wound for 5 damage
Roll 5 = Chest wound for 4 damage
Roll 6 = Head wound for 7 damage
The ammo clip for this weapon can hold 12 bullets.
The military only left 12 bullets in this pistol for the game
This weapon might be hidden on the island!
Weapon: Abandoned Truck
Damage: 6
For successful hit: Roll 3, 4, 5, or 6
Movement Base (# of Hexes): 10 Description: This is a small four-cylinder
pickup truck that was abandoned on the island when the citizens were evacuated. (just like the truck in the film) It has a
very high movment base and is capable of running students over as an attack. The driver of the truck can still be attacked
because there will be circumstances when the truck will slow down because of the harsh terrain of the island.