
Battle Royale Round 1 Narrative

Narrative for Round 4 Spring '06
Why Battle Royale Online?
Instructions for Play
Weapons Pictures
Links and Resources
Prizes Info
Round 1 Narrative Spring '05
Round 2 Narrative Summer '05
Round 3 Narrative Fall '05
Enlisted Students for Battle Royale Round 3
Round 2 Hall of Fame
Round 3 Hall of Fame
Round 4 Hall of Fame

This is the Narrative from the first round of BR online (spring 2005 round) This round was cut short abruptly because the rules had to be revised so the game would not take too long to play.
The following students participated in the "First" Battle Royale Online Session.
Mark: Played By MyNameIsMark
Takako: Played By PtodaK & aus_idol_lover
Taylor: Played by FatFluffyCat05
Kirika: Played by BN7965 
Bill: Played by Easy_cheap_shot
Mada:  Played by Madaleigh
Shinji:  Played by Alexr1407
Felicity: Played by Maxiespaxie
Chris: Played by I_am_daemon 
Reno: Played by MyNameIsJoel
Brody: Played by Fewglory
Karl: Played by Ghostmaker
Bran: Played by Gir_tacos_2

The mood was grim in the classroom. All thirteen of the students looked at each other in confusion over the video that professor Dayton had showed them. The military-clad personnel standing around the classroom showed no signs of emotion. Professor Dayton glared at the class and demanded that they all stand up.

The Professor announced to the class, "Today, you have no friends. Today, a weapon in their hand signifies your death and the weapon in your hand represents your victory. You will all go out and kill until one student remains. When I call out your name, you will come forward and receive a duffel bag with a weapon inside.... *pause* ... MARK!"

Reluctantly, Mark stepped forward a few steps and looked around at his classmates. Some of them looked at him with fear in their eyes and some looked at him with rage. Everyone was feeling uneasy and uncertain about the situation at hand. He turned to the professor and gave him a strong glare. He marched toward the classroom exit as a duffel bag was thrown to him. He caught the bag easily and began to sprint out of the classroom and through the hallways of the building to find a way out.

One by one, the professor called out the other students by name. "Takako!... Taylor!... Kirika!..." He shouted.
Knowing that the consequences would be dire if they did not obey, each student approached when their name was called and received their bag without complaint.

"Bill!..." The professor called out.
Bill looked toward the broken windows of the classroom. Some of the windows were missing altogether and others had been shattered by obvious gunfire. He felt that the place looked like a warzone. He looked to the professor as his name was called a second time. Professor Dayton appeared to be growing impatient. Bill walked up directly toward the professor and bumped his shoulder against the teacher as he walked by. He smirked as the professor grumbled in disgust. His bag was thrown to him and he marched out of the building.

The professor wiped his forehead and called out more of the students. "Mada!... Shinji!... Felicity!..."

The hair on the back of her neck stood up as she heard her name called out. Felicity looked up from the ground and felt a terrible rage boiling inside her. She wanted the professor dead. She imagined herself receiving her weapon bag and using the mystery weapon on the professor right there. She didnt care if it was a brick, she would beat him to death with it. She walked toward the soldier that was handing out the bags and recieved hers. She stood for a moment and looked back at the teacher. He payed no attention to her. He was focused on calling out the next student from the group. Her rage boiled and she began to unzip the bag. The nearby soldier poked her on the arm with the barrel of his machinegun and reminded her who is in charge. She scoffed at the soldier and left the classroom immediately.

"Christopher!... Reno!... Brody!... Karl!... and Bran!..."
Bran was the last to leave the empty, cold, classroom. The room's tattered atmosphere was no safe haven for anyone. It spoke stories of years of fighting and many deaths. It felt good to finally get called upon to get out of the depressing room and seek refuge on the island. After the last bag was handed out, the professor looked to the soldiers and ordered them to the control room to monitor the students as they scattered onto the island...

"The game has begun..." He Softly said to himself.
(written by djdayton)


"Please be a gun! Please be a gun," Chris whispered.

Chris left the school and didn't stop running until he thought he was far enough away to be safe for a while. Chris knew how this game worked. He wanted to keep himself safe. He hoped and prayed that he would get a gun of some kind in his bag.

Chris unzipped the bag to find a crossbow. It wasn't a gun but it could do just as well. By no means would it stand up in a fire fight. He would be outmatched by anyone with a gun. At least he could protect himself. At least he didn't get something like a brick or a pot lid.

Chris heard other people moving about in the forest. Chris didn't want to fight anyone. He certainly didn't want to kill one of his classmates. Then again there was Shinji. No. Chris shook his head. He didn't need to think about such things. Just because he didn't get along with Shinji didn't mean that Chris should try to kill him.

Chris just wished one of his friends would find him. He wanted to be with someone he could trust. Chris was scared. He was sure he wasn't alone in that. Chris held up the crossbow just in case he was attacked. Just because didn't want to go and actively kill, didn't mean that he wanted to let himself get killed.
(written by i_am_daemon)


A symbol of a lion attached to Felicity’s Peters’s necklace dangled up and down as she ran through the think shrubbery in terror.
She suddenly stopped in exhaustion and looked around, paranoid that there someone was watching her; horrified that she was trapped in a game like this. She studied the shrubbery surrounding her, wary of every light that passed her watchful eyes and concerned at any noise that could be another student.
She felt the smooth edges of the lions carved mane, feeling the power, warmth and comfort it gave her. It had been given to her by her best friend Marie, a girl who she had mutual respect and love for, from their initial discovery only in seventh grade that they liked the same hair dye as each other and they disliked the same conservative group of anorexic conformists that constantly belittled them both.
For three years running, Felicity had been leader of the school debating team and political club, her forte was her quick tongue which she would maliciously lash out at her enemies and comfort her allies with. Her fiery spirit attracted legions of outcast students who were interested in her gift of acceptance.
Her hands dripped in sweat as she felt the cold edges of her weapon, a hand axe which although was small were still a formidable weapon although her tongue would help her through most of the hurdles the game could provide, she could solve any conflict with a quick lashing of her wit and intelligence.
Although her political club was banned from having talks about BR, she would often hold secret meetings against the whole process making fun of the government’s moronic thought processing in creating such a brutal game. She now fully understood the fear and paranoia that absorbed one’s consciousness in a BR program. She would never give into the program though, that would be weak, she would fight till she died and she would escape with other members of the class. She might however given the circumstance use self defence; she was not a moralistic person at heart and would often lie and cheat to get her way with her debates.
A thought suddenly struck within her head “No one has ever escaped from a BR program”, but she quickly dismissed it.
She lay down her bag and took out a pencil and paper that the program had supplied her with. Her muscular arms (received from several self defence classes as she was a rampant feminist and detested most men’s attitude that their role was to save women) squeezed the pencil tightly as she scribbled the names of her students onto a piece of paper.
Next to Mark’s, Mada’s, Taylor’s and Karl’s names were a single tick; these were the students she would trust with her life. These student’s although not her best friends, she knew she would protect and would be worthy of escaping with her. She had already divided the class into two, those would play and those who would join her and she hoped that these people who had been loyal to her in the past would join her.
Finally content with whom she had picked, she ran her fingers through her cropped brightly dyed orange hair contemplating what would be her next plan of action.
Her deep drown eyes hiding under alluring deep eyelashes still flickered suspiciously in the dark around her, her hand still clenched onto the axe, ready for anything.
(written by maxiespaxie)


The professor steadily paced around the survailence room. Soldiers chattered amongst themselves, peering at the monitors that showed various locations of the island. They took notes from the various maps that tracked the students as they scattered around the island. The teacher admired the system's simplicity. The maps received real-time updates from the GPS units that were embedded in the students collars that were locked around their necks. He watched as several of the dots took different paths on the island. He wondered which student would die first.
His mind began to wander away from the monitors as he looked around the room. The room was a former conference area that was in the tattered school. Chairs were overturned and covered in dust. Several windows had been broken but were boarded up to keep what little heat managed to stay within the confines of the barren walls. The walls had scars from years of abuse. He noticed two of the soldiers were playing cards off in the corner. He knew that they were taking a short break and approved of their activities. On the last Battle Royale round, he had to dismiss four soliders for placing bets on students that they favored to win. Professor Dayton was not impressed with their actions. He did not find it honorable to place financial gain on someone's life. He felt that there was honor and purpose to Battle Royale.
He reached into his pocket and pulled out a remote. It was the control remote for the students collars. He could enter a code for each student and detonate the explosives within the collar at will. The remote gave him power. He turned the remote on and checked to make sure it was still functional. It had not been used in nearly a month. The remote lit up and beeped in response. The professor smiled and turned it off. He slid it back into his pocket and walked toward the windows. Near the windows was a large cooler. He opened the unit up and pulled out a Sandwich...
(written by djdayton)

More than anything else, Taylor Heath (student no. 3) was pissed off. Upon leaving the school she had sprinted off into the thick and uninviting night jungle that seemed to swallow her soul whole, like some horrible monster from her most fearsome and frightening nightmares. 'Run,' she was all she thought, the single word repeating over and over in her mind, 'run and they'll never ever find you.' Eventually however, even the most skilled of long distance runners become to winded to carry on. Taylor finally decided to rest after what had seemed like hours of jogging at a brisk pace. Taylor WAS a skilled long distance runner. Sure, the schools Cross Country and Track & Field teams were nothing special, but Taylor was in a sense 'a diamond in the rough,' so to speak. All of her coaches had believed she would one day take the high school's teams to state. It appeared as though that would never happen now. Upon stopping to rest she had decided to investigate the ominous black duffel bag she had been supplied with at the beginning of this sadistic game. Instead of a weapon she could actually use she discovered a shiny metal disk with a appendaged handle, or to put it bluntly, a pot lid. Taylor fumed. Why was she even here anyway? She hadn't even wanted to go on this stupid study trip. Suddenly Taylor heard a rustling in the bushes. Deciding not to be hasteful she gathered up her belongings and darted in the opposite durection of the noise. The fear and paranoia were beginning to take their toll. 'Run!' was all Taylor could think.
(written by Fatfluffycat05)


Mark was the first student to leave, and this worried him. He had no way of guaging everyone else's reactions to the game. The best way for now was to see who was willing to play, and find a safe place using his weapon: the GPS.
He decided to head out to a place that perhaps others would meet him.
Mark was a trustworthy student, who had several strong ties in the class. He was smart, most likely top of his class. he was glad that he had the GPS, because he wasn't the type to use a melee weapon. Not to say he was a wuss or anything, but he was more on the academic and mental side than the physical.
Nevertheless, he was willing to defend himself if he had to. But for now, bringing together some freinds to fight alongside was his best option.
(written by mynameismark)

Karl walked carefully out of the school. He knew he was the second last person out. This could mean that the others had already equipped their weapons and could be waiting for him to get close enough to strike.
Karl gave a quick look around him before running for cover behind a tree. He decided it would be best not to stop for too long in case someone was watching him.He opened his bag and began to search franticly for anything he could use.
Pushing the bottles of water and bread rolls aside he picked up the leather whip. He looked at it awkwardly “What the hell am I meant to do with this?”. Karl could hear people moving around close to him. He took a look at his map and decided his first destination.
(written by Ghostmaker)


Shinji reached into his bag after having ran 500 solid yards to the nearest piece of dense forest: he pulled out a .22 handgun.

'Everything's coming up ace, lil' Shinji' he thought to himself, and smiled.

He checked his map: the nearest solid building was the Abandoned Amusement Park. That could serve as a good hideout for a good period of time (but it would be just his luck if it turned into a DZ).

And now, for the £1,000,000 question: who could he trust? Phone a friend, ask the audience, 50:50?

I'll go half/half Chris: Shinji was still undecided on that one. In fact, he felt there was certainly no one he could trust, and if they were trustworthy, did he want them tagging along?

No, they'd be more harm than good.

Shinji was out to win this: the ultimate Survival. Only the fittest survive, ain't that right m'main man? He was going to outlive all the bores of his class, he was going back home. He was going to prove to his snooty, arrogant, auspicious father that he was worth more than had been thought.

He was going to prove himself with six rounds of ammo and a brain CPU faster than that of an XP comp.
(written by alexr1407)


Felecity studied a piece of scrumpled paper that she had passed to various players while they were in the homeroom, she had caught a glimpse of the map while they were being dragged into the classroom and had passed on where she would be located onto a few other people in the class while they were being informed on teh rules.
She knew it would be risky, but she thrived on risk taking always being compelled in debates to take the hardest possible angle, so their side could win.
There was a strong wind cold where she was making her brightly coloured purple earring flicker and her strongly built body shiver.

(written by maxiespaxie)

Chris sat with his knees pulled up to his chin. His arms were wrapped around his legs and he held the crossbow in front of him. In what could be the last hours or even minutes of his life he began to contemplate his existance.

Chris had been part of the theater department at school for as long as he had gone to school. He just loved to act. He had been in all the major productions whether he was part of cast or behind the scenes as part of the crew. Chris was just happy to be part of the production, although he was happier to have a major role. His favorite role was that of Peter Pan. That was the most excited he had ever been in his life. Everyone had their eyes on Chris. They were at his disposal.

The fact that Chris was shy around girls and was on the drama team did not help his popularity. Many of the students thought he was gay. The jocks would sneer at him and call him a "limp-wrist" or a "fairy." Chris never had a for real girlfriend. He was much to busy with his drama for a commitment. Chris was the type of guy that if he couldn't apply his all at something he didn't do it at all. He wanted to be able to give his all to a serious relationship. He knew that he could never do so and that led him to shy away from girls.

This bullying caused Chris to try and become more masculine. He began to exercise daily. He would run and also lift weights. He wanted to bulk up into a fine male specimen. Due to his small frame, Chris never turned into a hulking beast but he did develop a good shape. Chris eventually tried to grow a beard but it was so thin and patchy that facial hair was not an option for him. He tried to impress some of the guys at a party by drinking stout liquor with them. Chris only wound up getting sick and vomiting the whole night in the bathroom.

Chris regretted trying to impress the other boys all the time. He should have tried to live his life for himself. He knew that it didn't matter what other thought, it only depended what you felt about yourself.

Chris ran his free hand through his short black hair. He thought about the other students again. Maybe he should try to team up with someone. What about the main buildings? Chris remembered that there was a lighthouse and an abandoned amusement park. There were bound to be other students there. Would there be friendly students however? Should he go to try and find other students at one of those places?
(written by i_am_daemon)
Mada was depressed. He was a liked member of the class, but he just didn't care about anything enough to stick at it for a prolonged period. When push came to shove, he didn't mind being in the background within a group of friends.

However, Mada now faced a dilemma. The one thing he valued was his life...but he also valued others'.

Upon leaving the classroom, Mada ran as far as he could towards the cliffs. When he ran out of puff, he sat under a tree and rummaged through his bag. Upon picking up a scrumpled piece of paper, he remembered being passed it by a member of the class before chucking it in his bag quickly. Mada did not like choosing sides. He read through the note and it suddenly dawned on him that this was real. No more sitting at home watching the TV with his mum and dad, no more play-fighting with his younger sister. This new reality was simply depressing.

The note suggested that alliances were already being formed that could make or break ones survival. He decided to 'check out' what weapon he had been given to kill his schoolmates. Kill a human being. 'What the hell is going on?', he thought.

It appeared that Mada had 2 grenades. 'Great', he sarcastically thought. 'If anyone comes near me, we'll all be blasted to smitherines - friend or foe'. At that precise moment, Mada realised that he did value his life. Maybe this situation was finally going to be a situation where he gave it his all and stuck at something for a period of time. After all, if he didn't, there would be no time left.
(written by madaleigh)
Bran scarpered out of the school as fast as possible; he kept running until his throat felt cold and it hurt to breathe. Only when he stopped did it occur to him that this was a bad idea. If someone attacked him there and then, he'd still be catching his breath whilst they were killing him. He sighed and sat down.
The first thing was to calm down. Using the advice his father had given him, he shut his eyes and counted to ten. It didn't make the situation any better, but it always calmed him down. Next, Bran opened the bag which had been thrown at him. Inside he found a knife, the type a chef would use. Holding it in his left hand, he studied the blade. It was smooth and sharp, and would make a afirly deadly weapon if he was forced to do battle. "Oh,God..." he murmered to himself.
It wasn't so much the idea of killing that bothered him, but the way in which he and his classmates were being forced to do so. There are some sad, sadistic people out there, he thought to himself, Damn, why'd we have to stumble across them?
He pulled the map out of the bag, and his amber eyes scanned over it. On the back, he found a list of the students participating. Grabbing his pen out of his jeans pocket, he wrote down the names of the students he could trust: Bill, Felicity, Shinji and Chris. Then he stopped. "What the f uck am I doing?" he questioned himself, "Even if I do trust them, chances are they won't trust me." with that, he put the pen back in his pocket.
There could only be one survivor of this damn game, and even if it wasn't him, then at least he would have tried. He was often told that he was a pessimist, and usually developed a negative attitude towards everything. Well, except art, he adored art. People always told him he'd never get anywhere with a negative attitude. But this, this was different. This time, his pessimistic quality may have an advantage. They would keep him down to earth (though he usually was that) and perhaps give him a better chance of survival. If you don't trust someone in this 'game', you kill them. Who could be optimistic in these circumstances anyway? Bran exhaled deeply and stood up, tucking the knife under his belt. He was fairly muscular, and could lift heavy objects, but otherwise, he looked like a tall (182cm) walking skeleton with a freaky hairstyle that had two fairly longish 'horn-like' pieces that stuck up at the front, with the rest combed back just to the top of his neck. He had very pale, practically white skin that looked bloodless, and apart from the collar around his neck, he wore a pair of jeans, a black longsleeved top, and a very odd chain around his neck, which was kept tucked under his shirt. At the end of the chain there was some sort of Celtic design, a wolf. He'd had this ever since he could remember. Slinging the bag over his shoulder again, he started to walk, listening closely for movement.
(written by gir_tacos_2)

Professor Dayton finished the last bite of his sandwich. He stood from the antique couch that was crumbling from years of decay. He brushed the crumbs from his shirt and walked casually to the survailence monitors. The maps indicated that the students took refuge in all different directions of the island. His immediate attention was drawn to the the SouthEast corner of the island. According to the map, several students had gone directly to the Lighthouse.

"Which students are those?" He asked a soldier, while pointing at the screen.

The soldier looked to the professor and responded, "Those three dots represent the students: Mark, Karl, and Brody. Sir."

The Teacher stroked his chin with his index finger. He wondered if the three students were at the lighthouse in alliance or if they happened to meet there by chance. He looked to the survailence camera that was pointed at the lighthouse courtyard, but he did not see any student on the screen. There also was a great deal of tall grass around the lighthouse. It was very easy to hide out of sight. He grinned and turned his attention to the map. The soldier grumbled and continued to study the other screens that were showing visions of the rest of the island. Professor Dayton scanned the rest of the screen. Three other dots on the map were near the lighthouse. He looked the chart that the soldier had used and did his own research. It appeared that Felicity was heading to the lighthouse, but she was travelling to a fork in the trail that could lead her towards or away from the lighthouse. Reno was nearby, carving through a field, heading toward some thick woods. Not far behind was the student, Chris, who appeared to be moving at a cautious pace.

He noticed that two students went directly to the abandoned amusement park. Every "Battle Royale" it seemed that several students went to the park at the begining of the round. He figured that it was because the park was easy to see from the School. Two of the dots were at the park currently. He looked up the dots on the chart. "Shinji and Bill..." He muttered to himself quietly. He looked up to the monitors that showed views of the amusement park. There were several monitors. The "Amusement Park #2" screen caught his attention immediately. He could see Shinji walking carefully through the park. He watched as Shinji looked around the area. Shinji was carrying the handgun and keeping it ready at all times. The professor strained to find Bill on any of the amusement park monitors, but could not see him anywhere.

"Look." The soldier announced and pointed at the map. There were two other dots on the map that were nearby, just north of the amusement park.

"Let's see... those two dots are..." The soldier struggled to find the names on the chart and then announced. "Bran and Mada!" The two dots were travelling along a trail along the north of the island.

Wondering, the professor looked really close at the screen. He could not tell if the two dots were travelling together or if one dot was following the other. It was tough for him to figure out alliances from the confines of the school. He wished that he could hear the students talking. But the Receiver for the voice communication was currently broken and awaiting a replacement. He cursed the military silently for not getting him a new unit ASAP. Each of the collars around the student's necks were equiped with a microphone. If the receive were operational, he could hear everything that the students were saying. For now, he had to rely on the maps, monitors, and computers that displayed the students vital signs.

He looked back at the map and watched as the dot for Taylor moved swiftly away from the school. Taylor appeared to be very quick. He was amazed by their pace.

"Couple stragglers sir." The soldier announced as he broke the professor's concentration.

"Indeed." Professor Dayton responded. He acknowledged that two students still remained near the school. This was common on every round of Battle Royale. There were occasional students that could not take the pressure of being sent out to battle. They folded under the stress and their bodies could not take them anywhere, no matter how much their mind would fight. One year, a student exited the school and went directly into shock. She could not fathom being involved in Battle Royale and sat upon the ground for nearly a day. She was easily killed by another student that happened upon her while travelling past the school. He noted the two dots belonging to Takako and Kirika. He looked at the monitor for the schoolyard and saw both Takako and Kirika in plain view. They appeared to be simply talking. The professor became distraught.

"You!" He shouted as he pointed to a nearby armed soldier. "Go out there and fire some warning shots to stir those two up!"

The soldier prepared his machine-gun and swiftly left the room...

(written by djdayton)


It had been a hard choice, but Mark looked across the horizon and saw the tall object that signified where he wanted to set himself up. The lighthouse stood out up above the skyline, and seemed like a beacon of hope. Here he would gather a group, and hoepfully stick out the game for as long as possible. He made his way gradually through the forest to reach it.
Finally he reached the door, and hopped his way up the stairs, to get a better view of the island, and to find a place to hide out. he gazed out into the distance, and saw figures all over the island finding their destination. He couldn't make out who they were, or what they were doing, but movement identified where each anonymous person was. He ooked down and saw two figures approaching the lighthouse seperately. Squinting in the bright light of the lighthouse, and brushing his dark black fringe from his face, he could just vaguely identify the two: Karl and Brody. These two he knew somewhat, and trusted. He ushered them up the stairs, and went to his bag to fetch his GPS.
Mark turned to the others in the lighthouse with him. "Hey guys. Brody, karl. We made it here so far, I need to know that you guys are not out to play."
He paced across the floor of the small room atop the lighthouse, tapping his GPS unit with his fingers nervously and contemplating what he was saying. He needed allies, and needed to show them that he was not ready to fight. But at the same time, he didn't want to appear gullible and open to attack if the friends he had made alliance with should turn on him. He forced a smile.
"I trust you guys, you have come this far with me, and while it's only the start, I think it shows that you are willing to make alliances in this game. Death is not an option- we need to stand our ground here, and the best way to do it is to work together. We need to assess everyone who chooses to follow us here, and see whether or not they can be trusted. Please, we need to make this work and we need to survive."
He looked on expectantly for an answer from his friends.

(written by mynameismark)


As Karl approached his destination he began to become more alert. He was still not sure if he was safe. “Safe?” he thought to himself. “How can anyone be safe in this situation? What’s going to happen to all of us, they can’t really expect us to kill each other can they?” Suddenly Karl could see a figure appear on the lighthouse he couldn’t quite make out but it appeared they wanted him to come up. Slowly Karl made his way towards the building. As he got closer he could make the person out. It was Mark. He paused for a second and thought to himself “Can I really trust him? I know him don’t I? Do I know anything anymore?” He tried to put all these questions to the back of his mind and began to enter the lighthouse. It was then that Karl noticed someone else it was Brody. All the questions came flooding back to him but he shook them off. “These guys are my friends I can’t think like that about them”.
Karl listened carefully to every word that Mark said nodding in agreement. He was right if we all work together we would have a better chance of fending off an attack.
When Mark finished speaking Karl stepped forward to answer. Looking Mark and Brody straight in the eyes he said “I trust both of you too but how are we gona know who else we can trust and who we can’t? I mean how do we know we can trust Chris or Mada or Felicity or anyone else that’s out there?” Karl was overcome with a mix anger, fear and worry but tried not to let the others see this so he just smiled and said “Whatever happens if the three of us stick together we should be fine”.
(written by Ghostmaker)

Taylor made her way swiftly through the open field. The grass around her was so high it came up to her neck (she was 67 in. tall.) Her mind kept pushing her to continue on her journey into the great unknown, but her body told her to stop, if only for a minute, to rest. Needless to say her body finally won out. Panting she kneeled down and eloquently heaved spit onto the island prairie with ladylike grace, some of the thick saliva sticking to the side of her face. She didn't care, not here, not now, anyway. In her crouched position she would not be seen. Her breathing steadied. Grabbing her supplied bag she pulled out the map of the island she had been supplied with. She quickly observed that there were only a few scattered buildings across the battle ground, most notably an abandoned amusement park, a lighthouse at the southern tip of the island (the polar opposite of her current position,) and of course the school, which was surely by now a danger zone. It would be stupid, she decided, to head into any marked building on the map. The others would flock their, form groups, and eventually turn on eachother internally for their own selfish desires to survive. Did she really trust anyone in her small class? Felicity Peters was a nice enough girl, but no doubt her kindness would lead her to trust the wrong person. It would lead to her downfall. Mark Johnson was te same way. As much as she trusted the two of them, Taylor was not sure she could trust all of those that they chose to allie themselves with. There was likely no way out of the game anyway. It appeared perhaps she staying solo would be in her best efforts. The grass provided welcome shelter for the time being... 'for the time being' being the key words. She could rest here for a bit and then continue on her way again. She hoped she could continue to avoid confrontation. Especially with such deadly oppertunists running amuck on the isle.
(written by fatfluffycat05)
Bran was now walking near a cliff, but stopped when he heard footsteps. Reflexively, he pulled out the knife. He squinted his eyes, and saw that it was Mada Takanaki. Mada seemed pretty popular, but Bran wasn't sure if he could trust him. He was now fighting against his previous thoughts of killing, so he was confused. Not taking his eyes off Mada, Bran asked the inevitable question: "Mada? Are you playing?"
(written by gir_tacos_2)
Satisfied with Karl's response, Mark tried to answer his question. He paced back and forth, trying to work out the situation. He trusted several other members of the class, that was for sure. But others he didn't. Could he risk letting anyone in? He looked back seriously into Karl's eyes. "We can trust others, if we all agree on it. But until then, we have to focus on ourselves as a group." He turned to Brody. "You still haven't given me an answer. Are we cool? Are we going to be trusted?"
(written by MyNameIsMark)
Professor Dayton was becoming irritated. He looked to the monitors and asked the soldier, "Is anyone even injured yet?"
"No. Sir." The soldier responded hesitantly.
Frusterated, the professor exhaled loudly and cursed under his breath. He looked to the wall next to the door and threw his pen at the wall. He would have preferred to throw something heavier that would have made more damage. But, the pen was all he was holding and it brought slight comfort to him take his aggravations out on it. He began to shake his head when he heard a distant gunshot. His ears perked up and he sprinted for the window. He looked outside and saw nothing. He looked quickly at the soldier near the monitors and saw that several soldiers were now looking closely at the survailence screens.
"Report!?" He asked.
"We're looking. Sir." One of the soldiers responded.
"Here!" Another soldier announced. He was pointing at one of the screens for the abandonded amusement park.
The teacher squeezed between two of the soldiers for a better look at the monitor. He could see two students, Bill and Shinji. Shinji stood frozen. A small amount of smoke rose from the barrell of the handgun and mixed with the calm island air. Bill was quite a distance away, taking partial cover behind a tree. He had his samurai sword unsheathed and prepared for battle, but continued to remain behind the tree.
"Can you zoom in on that student?" He asked the soldier.
Without verbal response, the soldier typed a few commands into the keyboard and the camera began to zoom in on Bill. Shinji panned out of the frame as the camera got closer to Bill. The teacher smirked when he saw what he needed to see. A small tuft of smoke was clearing away from a portion of the tree trunk that was slightly splintered where the apparent bullet found it's way.
"Luck is on your side, Bill." He muttered to himself.
"Sir!" One of the soldier's shouted to get the teacher's attention. The soldier was pointing to a different screen. The screen showed two students off in the distance. "That's the camera stationed just northwest of us." The soldier added.
Professor Dayton looked at the monitor. He could see two students. They were pretty far away from each other and moving slowly. It appeared that they were trying to anticipate each other's moves. Suddenly, one of the students lobbed a small item in the direction of the other. He wondered if it was a stone, or a brick. The other student appeared to run desperately away from the flying object. When the airborne item finally hit the ground, the screen lit up with a giant explosion. One of the soldiers took notes and referenced the student chart. After checking the GPS map, he noted that student Mada was in possession of the grenades. The teacher directed his attention more intensely to the monitor. He squinted as the smoke cleared and debris settled from the explosion. He could finally see the other student emerging from the dust. It was Bran. He escaped death but appeared to be injured. He held his right hand up to his left arm and his shirt was soaked with blood.
(written by djdayton)
Chris was standing on the rocky cove in G-8. He had followed the path southward and then decided to stop. Chris contemplated going to the lighthouse. It was another structure where other students would probably flock to.

Chris was just so confused on what to do. As he stood at the cove a cool breeze from the sea blew in, cutting through the muggy heat. Chris spread his arms and closed his eyes. He was still holding onto the crossbow. He let the wind pass over and around him. The scent of the sea flooded him.

Chris's eyes snapped open when he heard the distance crack of a gunshot. He looked around carefully. How long had he had his eyes closed? Anyone could have crept up on him. Chris also realized that by standing there near the little cove he was out in the open.

Chris ran back into the woods away from the shore. As Chris went into the woods, he heard another sound. This was a loud explosion. It was farther away than the gunshot. Chris figured it was a handgrenade.

So the game had truly begun. Someone could be out there hurt and dying. Chris thought maybe he could help them. He didn't want any of his classmates to die, even Shinji. He just hoped he wouldn't be too late to help whoever was in trouble.
(written by i_am_daemon)
Bran held his arm and winced. He couldn't move his left arm at all, and the area was covered in blood. A piece of shrapnel from Mada's grenade had hit it and was now buried in Bran's forearm. 'Geez, this is what you get when you give someone a chance.' he thought bitterly. He let go of his arm and using his right hand, he grabbed the knife from under his belt. "You son of a-" he began, and ran at Mada with the knife, aiming for his torso.
(written by gir_tacos_2)
In the split second between Mada launching the grenade and it exploding, Mada questioned his motives. 'Kill or be killed...isn't that right?', he thought to himself. The fact of the matter suggested that he WAS playing the game. However many times he told himself that Bran was a threat and a pre-emptive attack had to be initiated, at the back of his brain morality and ethics were eating away at the core of his existence.

Bran deserved vengence did he not? Suddenly something told Mada to start running...away from this place...anywhere but here. So that is what he did.

Mada had tasted at first-hand what BR did to people and he was scared to look at himself in the mirror...what he had become.
(written by Madaleigh)
Felicity Peters roared in contempt and anger for her classmates. Her cheeks wore a bright red as she fumed over every student that she had given her whereabouts to.
She still stood crouched completely alone in the middle of the two paths, longingly looking out to the water which would make a any escape. Was suicide an escape? Was the concept of escape merely a way for kids to emotionally escape the game while still playing the game?
She wanted to throw a barrage of questions at someone, find out what they were thinking, and discuss her own feelings of contempt with at least another person. She wanted to be close to another human being in her time of death, just to feel the warmth of their skin brush against hers would be enough.
The small hair’s coloured blonde like small fur raised alarmingly at the concept that she was totally alone and that all her supposed friends had betrayed her. She was a lone figure without any cubs to command and she was beginning to get frightened. .
She recalled numerous attempts of helping Mark for hours with his confidence skills with oral work at school and even giving his tips on approaching girls at school. Hadn’t she been the one who had also matched Taylor with Brian at the school dance? She could still vividly remember the bright patches of pink that scurried over Taylor’s face every time Brian stared longingly into her eyes.
She needed to find these friends, but she really just needed to find anyone. She would learn to trust anyone because as she knew from speaking through various illegal chartrooms in the net speaking to previous winners that one needs to maintain their trust. She would need to trust just about anyone.
She picked up the small piece of scrap paper of the various people she could trust and catapulted it into the sea and also threw away her feelings of burning hatred for having not met up with anyone. These people had not been able to find her for some reason or another, but she would forgive them and avenge their enemies if they had been stopped or injured. She needed to just find someone. Teams were the only way to escape from this game.
She could even settle for Chris or Bran, the effeminate drama boy who she thought might play to prove his masculinity and play the game or the mysterious art student. The one who always seemed to be wearing the Celtic wolf design, a hilarious item that her and Marie had spent hours laughing at as they too had animal designed totems, but they barely even knew the guy.
Suddenly a large explosion illuminated the area and Felicity knew the game had started.
Her bright orange hair became brilliantly illuminated in the heat and glory of the large explosion. Her long fingernails painted with bright yellow polish flickered anxiously as she drew her axe she spun around. She looked to every path in the knowledge that she might die if she chose the wrong one, but she eventually decided on the safest option.
She decided on a direction and wildly from side to side to where she was heading.
Her proud magnificent face ran wildly with thoughts of triumph over the game and her fellow students, who she would soon lead to destroy Battle Royale for ever.
She would create an army of students and toppled the system, then she would work her way up to becoming a leader amongst an anarchist underground clan.
She deemed herself superior of intellect and worthy of leadership skills to control her group of students against the government.
When it came to Battle Royale, she truly was the cat among the pigeons.
(written by maxiespaxie)
He ran his fingers through his grey hair and exhaled in relief. Professor Dayton felt more at ease that the students were finally attacking each other. He had read horror stories about a Battle Royale event that was held the previous year. In that event, all the students refused to attack each other and were subsequently massacred by the explosive-packed collars. If he remembered correctly, the teacher that was choosen to oversee that event became very frusterated with the students and their refusal to play. The military reports claim that the teacher murdered each student via remote. When there was one student left, the teacher then called the student back to the School and triggered the final explosive collar within the control room. The military frowned upon the reckless actions and dismissed the teacher from any future Battle Royale events. The bad press that was associated with that teacher was horrible. He was tagged as a monster and disrespected by teenagers and adults alike. After the media faded from the story, he disappeared and was never heard from again.

After recalling the memories, he reminded himself that he needed to stay in control. He attention had already swayed from the monitors, but he realized that he was still staring in that direction. He cleared his mind and studied the screens, looking for any signs of action.

The control-room door slowly swung open and a soldier stepped into the room. It was the soldier that was dispatched to intimidate Kirika and Takako with gunfire. Professor Dayton walked up and waited for a report. The soldier reported that he had gone outside with his weapon ready to fire. He had heard a gunshot in the distance and noticed that Takako became alarmed and fled. Kirika, however, looked at the soldier and did not move a step. He explained to the professor that he pointed his gun at Kirika and ordered her to move away from the school. Kirika stood motionless and refused the soldiers every order. After threatening her for several minutes they noticed a large explosion off in the distance. He took cover near the school and looked back to see that she was still standing in the clearing.

Professor Dayton hustled away from the soldier and headed for the window. He looked down and saw that Kirika was still defiantly standing her ground. He quickly grabbed a bullhorn from a nearby military bag and spoke calmly through it. "You there. Kirika." The bullhorn made his voice incredibly loud. It pained his ears to hear his own voice so loud. He stepped closer to the windows and poked the bullhorn through a broken pane. "Kirika! This is Teacher Dayton! I instruct you to participate in Battle Royale and hunt down your enemies." Kirika did not respond to him in any way. Professor Dayton pulled the remote from his pocket with his free hand. He turned it on and programmed it for Kirika's collar code. The teacher placed the bullhorn down on the windowsill and looked down to Kirika again. She stood motionless, staring blankly at the building. He wondered what she was thinking and why she had choosen to rebel. There was no place for her rebellion in this game. He raised the remote and made sure that he had entered the correct code. Looking down to her, he clenched his teeth and pushed the remote's button. The remote responded with a "beep" and the collar on Kirika's neck exploded with a flash of sparks. Kirika's lifeless body fell to the ground and tainted the sand with flowing blood. The professor turned the remote off and returned it to his pocket. He walked over to the ragged couch and pulled up his jacket. From the inner pocket of the jacket he removed a flask. He unscrewed the cap on the flask and took a swing of it's contents. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He debated with his mind over his actions. He had to stay in control.

A nearby soldier hurried over to the public address audio system and turned it on. He adjusted several of the audio dials and picked up the microphone and switched it on. He stood patiently, staring at Professor Dayton.

The professor slowly turned away from the couch and carried his flask over to the microphone holding soldier. He snatched the mic from the soldier and cleared his throat. He spoke into the microphone, "Attention!" He heard his voice echo throught he loudspeakers scattered around the island. Not a soul on the island would be able to escape his voice as he spoke. "The following student involved in this round of Battle Royale is deceased. Student, Girl, Kirika Bouquett. No other students have been slain." He turned the microphone off and placed it down. He took another drink from the flask, replaced the cover, and began to walk back to his jacket.
(written by djdayton)
Felicity's eyes brimmed with tears as she heard the sudden annoncment that Kirika had died. Her breath became heavy as she remembered one of her beloved classmates.
She stopped heaving and collapsed onto the ground, phsically and emotionally strained.
Kirika had always been so quiet, a quiet lamb amongst her rowdy class. She must have been slain so easily, any student could have taken advantage of her pacifist beliefs.
The game was truly in motion and Felecit had to run with it.
She picked up her duffel bag and ran like a furious animal into the woods.
She had to find someone soon.
(written by maxiespaxie)
It was definately for real now. Kirika was dead. Taylor hadn't been the closest with the mysterious girl, but she still felt a pang of what felt like remors for her fallen classmate. Taylor was having second thoughts about going solo in this game. Buildings were still a bad idea, but she would look for someone she could at least trust... to watch her back and perhaps carry her until the end... then things would get interesting. Hurrying out of the fielded hex Taylor knew exactly whom she was looking for.
(written by fatfluffycat05)
Mark's conversation with Karl and Brody was cut short as the PA system announced Kirika's death. As the words boomed out across the island, their meaning echoed through each of the student's hearts. The game was for real, someone was truly dead. Memories of Kirika flooded back to Mark as he and his two accomplices sat in silence atop the lighthouse, taking in the situation. What could they do? They had talked about this game seriously, and had spoken of it objectively, but the death of their classmate, even though Kirika was not exactly the closest of friends with any of the three, had really brought the bizarre situation they were in into reality. This was for real, and Kirika was just the first of the gang to die. There would be plenty more to go. Each classmate had a limited amount of time yet- and this frightened Mark. He didn't want to die, and he didn't want anyone else to die. Could he really protect himself against one of his classmates? If Kirika had been totally consumed with fear and attacked him in fury, would he have defended himself? Would he have contributed to her death?
He fought back his emotions. The best way to keep a level head now was to let the dead rest, and to focus on survival. Even if he couldn't kill, he could defend, and he could try to keep as many people alive as possible. His mind argued,
everyone else has the same idea, Mark. Everyone else is looking out for number 1. it's onkly a matter of time...
Mark dismissed these thoughts. he couldn't be paranoid, it would only cause trouble. He needed to trust his friends, and fight on the side of peace.
(written by MyNameIsMark)
The professor stepped closer to the old couch. He lifted his jacket and noticed that fabric debris from the couch clung to it. He brushed off the debris and replaced the flask into the inner pocket. He turned and walked toward the windows again. Next to the windows were several overturned wooden chairs. He picked a sturdy one and turned it upright. Neatly, he brushed his jacket again and gave the chair a quick-glance inspection. He folded the coat over the top of the chair and turned away to look out the window. The body of Kirika still lay motionless in the sand. The pool of blood surrounding her was no longer growing. Noticing this, he knew she was truely deceased. After years of watching combat and seeing students kill each other off, it was hard to catch him by surprise. Even if a student were to fall to the ground wounded they could lay for hours unconcious as they slowly bled to death. Depending on the severity of the wound. Seeing Kirika's blood cease to flow assured him that her heart was no longer serving it's purpose.

"Sir!" One of the soldiers called out to him.
Professor Dayton looked to the soldier and approached him. It was the soldier that was monitoring the maps and monitors. There was only one soldier at the controls now. Several of the other soldiers had stepped outside to stand guard after the explosion. Another soldier was beginning to prepare a meal in the makeshift "Mess Hall" a few doors down from the control room.
"Yes. Soldier." The teacher finally responded.
"Sir. Another student is approaching the lighthouse. Sir." The Soldier announced.
The Professor looked at the map and identified that Reno Nakanishi was approaching the lighthouse. He wondered if the students at the lighthouse were signalling Reno to join them.
"Where is the camera for the lighthouse territory?" The professor asked.
"Screen 7." The soldier quipped back.
The professor looked for the screen that was clearly marked with a "7". After he located it, he studied the screen intensely. The camera appeared to be mounted in a nearby tree about 100 yards away from the lighthouse. He found it tough to see anything from this camera. Leaves adorning the tree swayed in the sea breeze. They almost completely blocked his view of anything that could be remotely interesting near the lighthouse. Disgruntled, he spun away from the monitors. He marched over to a black bag that sat on the floor near the exit door. He rummaged through the bag and finally pulled out a large tripod and a military-issue scope. He carried the two items back over to the windows and began to set them up. Hopefully, the scope would be powerful enough to grant him a view of the lighthouse and the nearby Reno. He unfolded the legs of the tripod and placed it firmly on the floor. Quickly, he fastened the scope on the tripod mount and removed the lens cap. He began to lean forward to peer into the scope.
"Sir!" The soldier interrupted him again.
Professor Dayton closed his eyes and let out an obvious sigh of discontent. He slowly turned his head toward the soldier and opened his eyes.
"You should come see this sir!" The soldier demanded.
The professor took the soldier's advice and stood upright. He dragged himself back to the farmiliar monitor wall. The soldier silently pointed at a screen. On the screen Professor Dayton observed two students. He immediately recognized the two as Bran and Mada. It appeared that Mada was running away from Bran. Stricken with apparent rage, Bran had his knife unsheathed. He followed Mada through the foliage and along the trail. His wounded arm did not appear to be slowing him down. The professor did notice that Bran barely moved his bloodied arm and he wondered if the arm was broken. The two students ran fiercely away and out of range of the camera.
"Augh!" The soldier groaned, disappointed.
Professor Dayton cracked a smile. He was not dissappointed. His imagination carried him as he pondered the possible outcome of the two boy's battle. He walked back to the windows to give the scope a try. As he was walking away the soldier made an announcement from behind him.
"Sir, Chris and Felicity are near each other on the map!" The soldier said.
Professor Dayton cracked a smile again. He leaned forward and began to adjust and focus the scope.
(written by Djdayton)
Felicity shifted silently through the bushes, her feet were careful not to make the slightest noise that would alert someone of her presence.
Her body stood elegantly poised on a clutter of damp leaves, her hand stretched out just above her eyes hiding the burning sunlight in the faint hope that she might see might see someone in the horizon.
She continued creeping along the bushes right near the path and again looked to see if she could see anybody.
A shrill squawk from a bird above her suddenly caught her off guard, scaring her and she felt her foot fall backwards. Her foot stepped on a twig making a loud crunching noise, like glass breaking when under too much pressure disturbing the silence of the once serene forest.
Suddenly she became panicked and blindly ran onto the path causing even further chaos that she had initially wanted.
Running an opposite way on the path, another student Chris ran straight into her livid panicked body.
Both students bumped directly into each other causing even greater commotion in the quiet forest.
Felicity suddenly alert widened her eyes and shook her head of any signs of consciousness. Her once neatly cropped orange hair was now muddled with twigs from hitting the dirt path.
Somebody had been here and somebody had heard her. She needed to be more careful.
Chris picked his feeble body up and desperately looked over to where Felicity was sitting trying to lick the slight bruise on her arm that had emerged in the confrontation.
Felicity looked up to where Chris was standing and saw that his mouth was half opened, but he seemed somewhat stunned. For once in his life the drama boy was at a total loss of lines.
Well she would have to do all the talking.
He held out his limp hand to Felicity, but Felicity refused and used her muscular arms to lift her body up.
She pointed at his crossbow and snarled “I hope you aren’t playing Chris.”
Chris still at loss for words and wracked with an array of confusing emotions, but he still wore the same stunned look on his face.
Felicity smiled and shook her own weapon “This is a strong weapon, but I’m hoping I want have to use it ever on you. I can offer a way out for you, but you have to know that winning a BR will get you nowhere and prove nothing. I’ve watched you, seen you at parties. I remember once you nearly vomited out several vodkas of that weak body of yours. I know that your different from the other boys, you want play the game to prove your masculinity”
Chris muffled a series of words under his breath “I don’t want to kill you Felicity. I don’t want to play. I just I do stupid things sometimes”.
Felicity smiled and sighed a deep breath of relief, but she quickly launched into a rehearsed speech that she had been contemplating saying the entire game “Now. You and I are going to find some other students and we are going to escape the island! I’m so glad I found you as well. I just needed to find someone to get our plan going. I wrote a huge number of things that we need to find on the island, so we better gte moving soon. On the way we can find other students.”
Chris grinned and patted Felicity on the back, the barrier of tension was now gone.
“That sounds great Felicity. I want to escape. We can escape together can’t we? I mean I barely know anyone. Hell I don't really know anyone on this field trip, but I’m so glad I found someone so strong as you”
Felicity smiled back at Chris feeling the relief that she that found someone else.
She walked up to his shrivelled body and patted him on the back before saying “You know your eyes shine when you have hope like that. Just like that play I saw you in.”
Both students celebrated the implicit warmth of the situation.
They had found each other. Felicity had finally found someone she could trust.
(written by maxiespaxie)
Chris was a little sore from colliding with Felicity. His expensive and once fashionable clothes were now dirty from sweat and the dirt that was smeared across his front.

They were running. Apparently, Felicity had a plan. She was strong and determined. Chris was lucky to have found such a strong competitor. He was pretty sure that she wouldn't give up. He hoped that their alliance would last until the end. Together they would strive to the end.

Felicity was a strong competitor. She was also very vocal about her beliefs and her stand on every issue. She was a careful yet strong debator. There were several of the students in the class that would probably have a grudge against her. They would probably kill her on sight and then kill Chris. That was the whole point wasn't it? To kill to win. How could Felicity come up with a plan to escape? Was there some way to escape the game? Felicity was smart. Surely, she did come up with some plan. Right?

Felicity had read him pretty well. He did do stupid things just to impress the other guys. He was always acting whether on the stage or off of it. He was always putting on a show to make people think better of him. He did remember the incident at the party where he almost through up when he drank shot after shot of vodka just so he could try and show up one of the jocks. That was pretty ignorant, and dangerous as well. Alcohol poisoning right, ever hear of that? Whatta moron!

Chirs stopped running. "What's wrong? You can't be tired already," Felicity huffed.

"Felicity. Don't worry. You can count on me 'til the end. We'll be a team and do this thing. We'll make it," Chris said. Chris had always done stupid stunts to try and impress people. Now, he was going to do the right thing to make people think higher of him.

"That'a boy. Let's get going," Felicity said with a reassuring playful punch. to his shoulder.
(written by I_am_daemon)
Bran ran after Mada, but a sharp pain searing through his arm caused him to grab it and stumble. It was just as well. He had some serious thinking to do. Calling out for Mada to stop seemed pointless. He sat down on the ground and breathed heavily. His arm was killing him, and the blood wasn't stopping. He dropped the knife and looked at it. He really didn't understand what he was doing. He only just then realised it would be pointless even if he did survive. He'd be transferred to another school, know nobody and...he just didn't want that. He didn't want to participate in this game and yet part of his mind was forcing him to do so.
'I've got to stop it.' he thought to himself, 'I've got to stop myself. I don't want to kill.'
He grabbed the knife he had put down a little while ago and looked at its point. Putting the blade next to his neck, he thought about thethings he'd be missing. Graduation, a job, marriage. Well, maybe not mariage. He pressed the knife blade closer to his neck until he felt he was ready. Then, with a quick slice, he fell to the ground, motionless.
(written by Gir_Tacos_2)
The military scope did not grant him a better view than the security camera. The professor turned the dials on the scope. He was trying to get it to magnify as far as the scope could handle. He had originally hoped the scope would be more efficient than this but it just allowed him to get a better view of the lighthouse itself. He still could not spot Reno or the other inhabitants of the house. Continuing to work the dials, a faint alarm suddenly filled the room. The alarm sounded for about 10 seconds and then turned off. The professor jerked his head up and looked to the soldier at the controls. He did not need a report. He knew what the farmiliar alarm meant. "Casualty?!" He muttered to himself in disbelief.
"Sir. Student Bran Donnoghue. Sir." The solider reported out loud.
Professor Dayton shook his head. He had not heard another explosion to indicate further attack by Mada. He strolled over to the monitor wall and examined the screens again. None of the screens allowed him to catch a view of Bran's body. He looked to the soldier and recieved a confused glance in response. The computer that displayed the students vital signs appeared to be working ok. He looked at the screen and saw that there were currently two students listed as deceased, Kirika and Bran. Thoughts filled his head about what could have happened to Bran. He imagined that Mada must have overpowered Bran. He was astonished of the possibility of Mada being able to kill so efficeintly. He began to wonder if Mada had some combat training of some sort. It didnt matter, if Mada won the game, he would still congratulate him, but he would not trust him.
He turned to a soldier that stood casually next to the monitors.
"Soldier. Retrieve the more powerful scope from the chopper." He demanded.
"Sir. Yes. Sir." The solider responded and marched out of the room.
The professor passed time looking at the monitors and viewing the notes taken on the students thus far. When the solider returned, the professor commanded him to set up the scope and discard the lower-powered scope near the windows. When the solider was done, the professor walked over to the window and took a moment to thank the soldier. He peered into the scope and was please to see that it was far more powerful than the previous one. This scope granted him a very vivid view of the lighthouse. He focused the lens and began to smile when he finally saw what he wanted. Reno Nakanishi was moving silently near the brush besides the lighthouse. The student impressively darted within the shadows and finally burst into the open and went straight to the outer wall of the lighthouse. He watched Reno slide closely along the wall heading for the front door. Reno appeared to bend down and pick some gravel from the ground. With a quick swing of his arm, Reno threw the gravel toward an old toolshed that was next to the lighthouse. The professor could not hear anything, but knew that the gravel must have made quite a noise out there in the silence. The professor's eyes widened as he saw the lighthouse door begin to open. He recognized Brody stepping cautiously out of the lighthouse with his brass knuckles in hand. Brody did not even have to step fully out of the lighthouse to instigate an attack. Reno swung his Meat Cleaver at Brody and cut into the boy's arm. Brody reacted quickly and fell back into the lighhouse stunned. The professor could tell that Brody was yelling. He watched as Reno quickly darted away from the lighthouse and took shelter in the bushes and shadows once again. The professor watched as two other boys came from other areas of the lighthouse and met up with Brody. Brody, covered in blood, pointed at the door and continued to yell. One of the other boys ran to the doorway and slammed the door shut.
(written by djdayton)
Mark wandered the lighthouse, searching for anything of use. he had found a larder with plenty of food for the three, but he was far too nervous to eat. He knew know that classmates were dead, and he was not ready to carry on as normal. He paced the rooms with a worried expression while his friends explored the other rooms. From his place in the top of the lighthouse, he heard the door open with a quick gust of wind that blew through the entire building, and he started to make his way toward the front of the lighthouse to see who was leaving.
He heard a scream before Brody came into view, and a yelling. Brody screeched on the top of his voice for his friends to rush to his aid. "SHUT THE DOOR!" he yelled, and Mark began to descend the stairs at full speed, realising that the open door, and the panicked Brody meant that they were risking attack. He bolted forward and jumped past Brody, who lay on the floor bleeding profusely from a wound in his arm. Slamming the door shut, he turned around and saw Karl reach the bottom of the stairs next to Brody.
Finally taking a proper look at the situation, Mark gagged at the sight of the blood. It was everywhere, and still pouring. He choked back a mouthful of puke and held his head in his hands, before backing nervously away from the door. Someone was out there, willing to attack him and his friends. He stumbled over a small table, and scrambled across the floor into the corner, curling up and covering his face with his hands, breathing heavily. "This isn't happening...this isn't happening..." he muttered to himself in panic. Paranoia was completely taking over him- the three weren't safe. Outside of the lighthouse there were people trying to kill them, all three of them. He couldn't even protect himself or his two friends, the three were trapped.
he sobbed, muttering to himself and refusing to look up- the figure half drenched in red (which was Brody) in the corner of his eye was too frightening to focus on. His friend was wounded, and he was not going to be the last.
(written by MyNameIsMark)
Karl reached the end of the stairs and froze. There was blood everywhere. Brody lay in the centre of the mess. Without thinking Karl ripped a strip off his T-shirt and dived towards Brody. “We gotta stop the bleeding, Hold on, just hold on” he began to shout at him. Placing the makeshift bandage over the wound Karl began to shout for Mark. He could see him curled up in the corner with his hands on his face. “Mark, Mark are you hurt too? Who was it? Who was that?”.
Karl’s head began to spin. “This is all real” he said to himself “Everyone is going to die”. Looking down at his blood covered hands “Except us, I’ll make sure of that” he said. “When I find out who did this I’ll make them pay I swear, they will pay”.
(written by Ghostmaker)
From the time of the briefing, after everyone had disbursed, Reno thought to himself, "Where can I possibly go and be safe?" One idea came to mind: the lighthouse.
From the lighthouse, Reno would be able to oversee much of the island and get a heads up of who would be nearby. However, upon reaching the lighthouse, Reno noticed that his footprints weren't the only ones leading to the inside. Assuming there were at least two different sets of footprints other than his own, and keeping in mind that only kirika was announced dead, he deduced that the ones inside were not hostile and unwilling to participate in the game, therefore serving no threat to him.
But then, Reno thought to himself, "What if they don't trust me? Can I trust them? If they plan on attacking, I shall be the first to attack." He picked up some gravel and threw it at an old toolshed next to the lighthouse, hoping that someone would come out to investigate. As someone opened the door and stepped out, Reno moves and plunges his weapon, a meat cleaver, into Brody's arm and runs away.
Reno escapes into the bushes in hopes that he would survive just a little longer.
(written by MyNameisJoel)
Mark wouldn't reply at first. Karl was shouting to him, asking if he had been hurt, but he couldn't reply. He continued to breathe heavily as Carl bandaged up brody's arm, and promised that he would make sure that the three survived, while Mark sat silently in the corner, his chest heaving.
He lowered his twitching hands for a second, and karl turned back to him to ask again. "Are you ok, Mark?" he asked.
"I'm...I'm not hurt." Mark stuttered out.
"Did you see who it was?" karl asked, feeling like the only sane one in the room. Brody was sat there taking in the pain and shock of his attack, and Mark was blubbering stuttered replies from the corner.
"'m sorry" Mark said, catching a quick glance of Brody's bloodstained bandage, and shuddering. He tried to calm himself, still refusing to leave his spot in the corner.
(written by MyNameIsMark) 
Professor Dayton continued to peer through the military scope. It had been several minutes since the inhabitants of the lighthouse shut the door. He could not see inside. Occasionally, he would spot a silouette in the small window near the front door. He could tell that the three boys were moving about in the lighthouse, but it did not appear that they were going to retaliate immediately on Reno's sudden attack.

He stood upright and took a deep breath. Thoughts crossed his mind about leaving the compound and exploring the island. He wanted to get a closer view of the students. The tools that the military provided did not impress him. Indeed, the upgraded scope was better, but not perfect. He shook his head and reminded himself that the only safe place on the island was the compound. He had to remain where he was and keep control of the game. He looked over to the monitor wall and called out to the soldier. "Any action?"

"Sir. Just Shinji and Bill. Sir." The soldier called back.

Curious, Professor Dayton walked over to the displays. He narrowed his attention to the monitor for the abandoned amusement park again. He watched as Shinji darted around abandoned obstacles and foliage to try to gain an advantage on Bill. Quickly, Bill continued to dart away from Shinji's advances. Bill finally darted from behind a tree and took off in full speed toward a large building nearby. He carried his sword off to his side prepared for any conflict that could stand in his way. Shinji noticed Bill's sudden run and aimed his pistol. Professor Dayton motioned the soldier to pan the camera back for a wider angle. The screen showed more as the camera adjusted. The teacher calculated in his head. He guessed the distance between Shinji and Bill to be nearly 50 yards and increasing as Bill retreated toward the building. Suddenly, the front of the gun flashed and he heard a gunshot in the distance outside the window. Bill appeared to duck his head down and staggered in his sprint. The gunshot only appeared to distract him for a moment as he regained speed to reach the building. Bill finally reached a doorless entryway and disappeared inside the building. The professor noticed that Shinji had left his post and was now running toward the building in pursuit.

The professor stared blankly at the screen. He could no longer see the two boys but he was astounded by how lucky Bill had been in the game so far. Now the two boys were in a building. There was a good chance that this could lead to a close encounter. Shinji would definately have an edge inside the building. However, Bill seemed very patient and resourceful. The teacher wondered if Bill would finally strike withing the conifines of the building. Professor Dayton looked at the student map. It appeared that several students were now moving very slowly, possibly wounded or tired. He turned away from the controls and walked over to the PA system. The nearby soldier switched on the system and handed the microphone to the teacher. Professor Dayton cleared his throat and began to speak, "Attention! The following student student is now deceased: Boy, Bran Donnoghue. That is all." The teacher handed the microphone back to the soldier and looked around. He grabbed his jacket off the chair and put it on. Walking toward the door, he silently told the quard at the door that he was going outside to get some fresh air.
(written by Djdayton)
Sitting on the wooden chair in the kitchen of the lighthouse. Brody stared blankly at the wall as he tapped the brass knuckles (his supplied weapon) againts the counter. Blood, his own blood, drying in the crevices of his hands. Brody's mind only focused on one thing.
It was hard to upset Brody but if you got him angery you'd know for sure. From breaking into other students lockers and throwing it's contents into the gym shower to slashing tires, he kept a mean grudge againts the people who piss him off.
Mark sat in the corner in a daze, you could see him twitch every few minutes. Karl sat at the bottom of the stairs with his forehead resting in the palm of his hand. The two seemed quite shook up, Brody probably would be too if not for the anger and rage coursing through his veins. He tried to stay calm but he just couldn't let it go.
Standing up, knocking the chair backwards to the floor, Brody grabbed his daypack resting on the counter top and swung it onto his shoulder. Walking across the kitchen, Staggering a bit from the loss of blood. Karl started to rise from his seat to help. Knowing they would try to, Brody called out, "don't." His voice sounded more like a plea then an order. Hearing this Karl sat back down without a word. Stopping infront of the door, Brody could feel Mark and Karl's eyes on his back. Brody reached out his arm and grabbed the door knob, clenching his fist till his knuckles turned white. Slightly turning his head, Brody said, "I know who it was."
(written by fewglory)



Chris followed Felicity through the darkness. He tried his best to keep her in his sights. He felt like giving up, he had been running so long. He knew that he had to push forward. Where was Felicity leading him. He hadn't looked at the map or the compas. He knew this wasn't the orignal way he had come.

The trees opened up into a brightly lit space. Chris knew where he was now. They were back at the school. He clutched his crossbow up. There were going to be guards everywhere. This was dangerous. They shouldn't have come back here.

There was a figure moving in the shadows at the edge of the school. Chris couldn't tell who it was (Takako). Could they be friend or foe? Chris didn't know for sure and checked to see if the crossbow was ready to fire.

To the right he saw a body lying on the ground. There was blood everywhere. "Look!" Chris said to Felicity pointing to the dead body.

"Let's see who it was," Felicity answered. There were only two possibilities. It was either Kirika or Bran. They were the only two students who were dead.

They went closer to investigate the body. It was Kirika lying in the dirt. Her collar had exploded and ripped out her jugular. A wave of nausea swept over Chris. He had never seen such a thing in his life. How had this happened? Did the administrators do this or was this the work of another student. Chris thought about Kirika. She was a good-natured girl that seemed to get along with everyone. She never caused any trouble. Was she the one who liked to play tennis all the time? Chris couldn't remember.

"We'll get whoever did this," Felictiy said.

There was movement on the edge of Chris's periphery vision. He spun around. Professor Dayton had stepped out of the school. He was slipping into his jacket. Why was he outside? Was he the killer inspecting his work?

"You bastard!" Chris yelled as he raised his crossbow.

Professor Dayton lifted up a remote control and pointed it at Chris. Chris knew what kind of remote that was. Chris froze in his tracks.
(written by i_am_daemon)
Karl watched as Brody left. He wished he could say something to change Brody’s mind but he knew there was nothing he could do. Brody seemed set on revenge and nothing would stop him at this moment.
Karl sat in total silence staring at the door, trying to make sense of the situation. He began to think about Brody. “He’s injured, alone and mad” Karl thought to himself. “If anything should happen to him it will be my fault, I should have stopped him”. Karl lowered his head into his hands. “I’ve got to do something I can’t just let him get killed”.
Karl raised his head again and looked at Mark who was still in the corner. “I have to help him Mark, I just have to. He’s not safe ”. Grabbing his bag and his whip he made for the door.
Taking a deep breath Karl grabbed the door knob and turned it. With one last look at Mark he said “I’ll see you soon……I hope”.
(written by Ghostmaker)

Mark had calmed somewhat. He still didn't feel ready to move; he stayed lost in his thoughts, seated in the corner. Brody marched past him, exiting through the door. Mark sighed, and returned to silence. Then Karl told him that he hoped to return, but he was following Brody. Mark nodded, and watched Karl leave. He stared out of the doorway into the darkness and shuddered. Running over quickly, he slammed it shut. He would answer the door if Karl or Brody returned. He didn't like that 'if'.
Leaning with his back against the door, he sighed and began to feel himself thinking more rationally. Simply sitting around and breathing heavily would get him nowhere

(written by MyNameIsMark)

What does this kid think he's doing? Professor Dayton thought to himself. He was already regretting his choice to retreat the confines of the school for a moment of freash air. Pointing the remote at Chris, he wondered if the boy would fire the crossbow. He judged the distance between them to be at least 40 yards, maybe more. The student would have to arc the crossbow bolt quite a bit to reach the professor from that distance. The professor was not worried about the crossbow. Chris' intentions worried him. It was clear to him that Chris did not respect the teacher's authority. Without moving his arm he turned the remote on and it responded with a "beep". He programmed the code from Chris' collar and stared in the distance toward the student. Chris was too far away and could not see that the teacher was programming the remote. The student stood motionless, aiming the crossbow, clearly enraged. The professor placed his thumb on the main button of the remote. He rubbed his thumb along the surface of the button, feeling the contours of it's design. Taking a deep breath he cursed under his breath and turned the remote off. He lowered his arm and placed the remote back in his pocket and glared at the student. The chances of a bolt shot from 40 yards killing him was slim. He decided to take that chance and casually turned around and walked back into the building. Closing the door behind him he walked back up to the control room and took a deep breath.
"Get a chance to relax out there?" One of the soldiers asked.
"Keep Quiet." The Professor snapped back.
The professor kept his jacket on and walked over the the ragged couch. He sat on it and thought deeply. Why are they back here at the school? He wondered. He recalled seeing the girl out there too. He tried hard to remember he name, but could not place it. He slipped out of the jacket while sitting and rubbed his chin.
"You there, soldier." He commanded. "Grab a guard from the vehicle lot and go to the roof. Keep watch and report anything suspicious."
"Sir. Yes. Sir." The soldier responded.
The soldier marched out and went to pursue his comrade. The professor was not going to take any chances. If a student felt like he could take out an entire squadron with a crossbow, then the soldiers had to be ready for any attack. He pondered for another moment and then stood up. He walked over to the window and gazed down to see Chris and the Girl standing near Kirika's corpse. Not knowing the girl's name began to frusterate him. "What are the names of the students out there?" He called out to the soldier at the map controls.
"Sir. Christopher Lovett, Felicity Peters, Kirika Bouquett and Takako. Sir" The soldier listed off.
"You dont need to list off the dead one you stupid sh-..." Professor Dayton's eyes widened. Takako... still out there? He had completely forgot about that student. He figured that Takako had scurried off to get lost on the island, but that was not true at all. He took his eyes of Chris and Felicity and looked along the treeline. He could not see any other students. Apparently, Takako was hiding well. He brought his attention back to the two students. They were talking, but he could not hear them. He noticed that Felicity had managed to strap her handaxe to her back with some cloth. Chris was now holding his crossbow off to his side. The professor watched as they talked for a few moments and then Felicity raised her hand up and put it on Chris' shoulder. It appeared that she was consoling him.
"Sir!" The soldier at the controls called out, looking back at the Professor.
"Yes, Soldier." Professor Dayton responded.
"Sir. Students are fleeing from the lighthouse. Sir." He stated.
The teacher hurried over to the controls. He looked at the overhead map and saw several dots quickily moving away from the lighthouse. Karl and Brody were quickly moving away from the lighthouse together and Reno was following the southern coastline away as well. Only one person remained at the lighthouse. He looked up the chart and noted that the student at the lighthouse was Mark. He wondered if Mark threatened the students with a destructive weapon. The professor knew that Mark could not have the grenades. He wondered if the boy had the maltov-cocktails, but then remembered that the cocktails were still in a bag that had not been handed to the students. He knew this because the soldiers took inventory after the bags were handed out. He dismissed the thought that Mark managed to scare away the other students. Maybe Mark was attacked in the lighthouse? He thought. He imagined Mark laying in the lighthouse breathing through his last moments alive. The professor walked over to the controls and looked at the screen for the student's vital signs. Mark's indicator showed him to be alive. The professor shook his head in confusion and went back to the couch. He grabbed his jacket and announced,
"I'm going out for some fresh air again... on the roof."

(written by djdayton)

Multiplayer Turn Based Strategy
Originated here Nov. 2004 by Dayton


And thank you NOS Enegry Drink for keeping me up 24-7 to keep this game going.